Document Committee Update

Document Committee Update

As many of you know the “Condominium Documents” (Declaration of Condominium, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations) for Royal Park were created approximately 40 years ago.

As a consequence some of our documents are now out of date.  Chapter 718 of the Florida Statutes have been evolving since that time and so some of our documents do not include many of the limitations and powers provided by the above statute.  It is time for Royal park to do what many other condominiums have done and that is take a hard close look at our documents and see what benefits we might achieve in amending our documents.

At the June 19th Board meeting the Board of Directors established a committee to conduct this review. Efforts have been made in the past to make some changes but for some reason the appointed committees never achieved the goal.


This present committee is committed to seeing this project through and has appointed six team members for the task. The members are:

Rick Blake, Vice President

Vasile Chis, Director

Pat Blank, Owner

Nelson Ortiz, Owner

Patrick Cavanaugh, Owner

Raelene Atwood, Owner

The committee represents both original owners from the opening of Royal Park, Raelene Atwood and Pat Blank, to a fairly new but highly motivated owner Patrick Cavanaugh.

Our committee has been meeting since June 19th, 2013 in the clubhouse each week.  This work is not easy and is time consuming. It will take time to complete the review of all documents but we endeavor to get this right! When the review is completed by the committee, the amended documents will then be reviewed by our legal staff, the board and then come up for a vote by the members for approval.

We usually meet for 1-11/2 hours each time. We have been fortunate to have diverse opinions present at our meetings from owners that are willing to come and listen and make suggestions to the committee. We would like to thank the following owners for their input: Pam Brown, Charles Jerrier, Joanne Messier, B.J. Moriarty, Samantha Boily, Jackie Mae Vicar, Robert Pavlov and Raul Batista for their time and opinions.

We have almost completed the review of the Declaration of Condominiums and will then begin examining the By Laws at our next meeting to be held Thursday, August 15th 2013 at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse. We hope to see many of you there to help with this project.