Condo Maintenance Fees
All 2025 maintenance payments to Royal Park Condominium will be processed by Truist Bank. For more information contact the Royal Park Condominium office at 954.739.6300.
NOTE: 2025 maintenance payments will not be accepted at the Royal Park Condominium Office.
Due Date
All Quarterly Maintenance Fees are required to be paid in advance of the quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1) that they are due. Such Quarterly Maintenance Fees are to be paid in a one-time payment
Late Fee
For payments submitted after the 10th day of the month, a $25.00 late fee is automatically added to the balance due. After 30 days, the account is submitted to the Association’s Attorney for collection. Additional charges will be accessed including Attorney fees and interest.
Bounced Check Fee
If a check is returned for insufficient funds, an additional $25.00 fee will be added to the balance due. Please note, if the inadequate fund check is not addressed by the 10th day of the month due, a late fee will be added to the balance due ($25.00 returned check fee + $25.00 late fee = $50.00).
1. Check
a. Owners can mail their check with COUPON directly to the Association’s Lockbox using the mailing address below.
b. In-person branch payments: Payments may be made at any Truist branch with COUPON. Payment will be processed the following business day.
Please make your check payable to Royal Park Condominium Apartments, Inc. and mail to the following Lockbox address with COUPON at:
PO BOX 628207
ORLANDO, FL 32862-8207
REMINDERS: Please Include your Building and Unit Number on your Check.
2. Bill Pay – Owner’s payment sent directly from their bank, i.e., Payments are “Pushed” out of the Owner’s bank account, and will need to update their payment mailing address to the Lockbox address below. Bill Pay account number and phone number information available on the COUPON.
PO BOX 628207
ORLANDO, FL 32862-8207
3. Autopay/ACH – Use the Truist online payment system to make one-time payments or set-up automatic ACH payments.
4. Online Payments – Credit cards and e-check payments are available via the Truist online payment system. Please refer to your coupon book for more information (Bill Pay Account number).